What if you could help prevent one of the most dangerous health conditions, affecting approximately 1.4 billion people?
Your body was designed to move. Hundreds-of-thousands of years of evolution have gone into the creation of the systems that makeup the human physique and its ability to move.
Inactive is an eyebrow raising look into the impact that inactivity has on youth, not just today, but in the future. For us to solve this problem, we need to understand it.
In the movie, the nuances of the discussion around inactivity are addressed, including what got us here, and how we can get out of it.
Health experts from across the globe have joined their knowledge to establish potential solutions to fight this silent but deadly killer. Inactivity is striking and captures the alarming risk that a lack of physical activity poses to the prosperity of our global communities.

Right now, our collective is undergoing an era of technological advancement. This evolution is not about to stop; in fact, it's only getting started.
Amazing scientific and medical achievements have been made over the last three decades, giving us a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips! Some of the most dangerous diseases can now be cured, communication knows no bounds, and information is accessible 24 / 7. We have achieved so much over the last century, and there is no denying that technology has made our lives easier. But behind this smokescreen also hides the adverse effects of technological advancement.
The world watched as COVID-19 took over our lives and changed our communities. But while our focus was directed on COVID, another pernicious pandemic was rapidly looming. Inactive reveals the deep seeded worldwide health crisis linked to childhood obesity.
Directed by Karl Talbot and Charles Anderson, the film paints a grim portrait of the reality in which we now find ourselves - generalized inactivity.
The reality is humans are not innately stagnant, but we have become so. Nowadays, people only need to get out of bed to reach their office, and they can order dinner from the comfort of their couch, to name only a few. The solution is simple: increasing physical activity to reverse the damage done.
The World Health Organization outlined that “childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st Century.” Addressing the inactivity crisis through the proper use of technology, policy and governmental interventions is key to ensuring our present and future generations are growing healthier and more vigorous.

The next generation will be caught in a treacherous pandemic that could create a disastrous health crisis.
Technology has automated our lives and made everyday activities more convenient. But with convenience comes complacency, an insidious notion to consider given the crippling effect on daily physical activity.
Despite the exceptional advancements in medicine and technology, the World Health Organization estimates around 500 million people will suffer from "heart disease, obesity, diabetes or other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) directly attributable to physical inactivity" within the next decade. That number will continue to increase if no actions are taken to promote increased levels of physical activity.
The pandemic of inactivity is a ticking time bomb, and if things don't change soon, in the following years our world is looking at a grave situation. Change starts with a perspective which is often formed through policies and government intervention. Lasting changes must be made from the bottom up, starting with education.
This is a world health and economic issue, and we need to force our governments to change their policies.

What if you could help prevent one of the most dangerous health conditions, affecting approximately 1.4 billion people?
Your body was designed to move. Hundreds-of-thousands of years of evolution have gone into the creation of the systems that makeup the human physique and its ability to move.
Inactive is an eyebrow raising look into the impact that inactivity has on youth, not just today, but in the future. For us to solve this problem, we need to understand it.
In the movie, the nuances of the discussion around inactivity are addressed, including what got us here, and how we can get out of it.
Health experts from across the globe have joined their knowledge to establish potential solutions to fight this silent but deadly killer. Inactivity is striking and captures the alarming risk that a lack of physical activity poses to the prosperity of our global communities.

Over 50 million Americans today fail to meet the CDC's minimum recommendations for physical activity. In the next 20 years, if nothing is done, the ramifications will be devastating. That's why our world needs to be aware of the damage that has been done. People are starting to awaken and we need to fight for the health and prosperity of our global communities.

“We may see the first generation of kids who will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents”
Richard H. Carmona, Former Surgeon General